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A Ball Rolls Around a Circular Track With an Angular Velocity of 4 Rad/s.whatistheperiodofthemotion?

  please answer thank you so much. please help with solution thank...

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Instruction: Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet of paper. 1. A section of hollow pipe and a solid cylinder have the same radius, mass, and length. They both rotate about their long central axes with the same angular speed. Which object has the higher rotational kinetic energy? A. the hollow pipe C. they have the same fast rotational kinetic energy B. the solid cylinder D. they have the same slow rotational kinetic energy 2. If you are trying to loosen a stubborn screw from a piece of wood with a screwdriver and fail. What type of screwdriver's handle will you use? A. fatter B. longer C. bigger D. slimmer 3. A ball rolls without slipping down incline A, starting from rest. At the same time, a box starts from rest and slides down incline B, which is identical to incline A except that it is frictionless. Which arrives at the bottom first? A. the box C. both arrive at the same time B. the ball D. both will not arrive at the bottom 4. A competitive diver leaves the diving board and falls toward the water with her body straight and rotating slowly. She pulls her arms and legs into a tight tuck position. What will happen to her angular speed? A. increases B. decreases C. stays the same D. it becomes zero 5. Two spheres roll down an incline, starting from rest. Sphere A has the same mass and radius as sphere B, but sphere A is solid while sphere B is hollow. Which arrives at the bottom first? A. sphere A C. both arrive at the same time B. sphere B D. both will not arrive at the bottom 6. You turn off your electric drill and find that the time interval for the rotating bit to come to rest due to frictional torque in the drill is At. You replace the bit with a larger one that results in a doubling of the moment of inertia of the entire rotating mechanism of the drill. When this larger bit is rotated at the same angular speed as the first and the drill is turned off, the frictional torque remains the same as that for the previous situation. What is the time for this second bit to come to rest? A. 0.25At B. 0.5 At C. 2At D. 4 At 7. A rigid object is rotating with an angular speed w < 0. The angular velocity vector w and the angular acceleration vector a are antiparallel. How would you describe the direction of the angular speed of the rigid object? A. clockwise and increasing C. counterclockwise and increasing B. clockwise and decreasing D. counterclockwise and decreasing 8. Which of the following statements show the properties of angular displacement and linear displacement? A. 0, for points on a rotating object depends on their distance from the axis. B. 0, for points on a rotating object does not depend on their distance from the axis. C. The displacement for point on a rotating object, depends on their distance from the axis of rotation. D. The displacement for point on a rotating object, does not depend on their distance from the axis of rotation. 9. What is the linear speed of a child on a merry-go-round of radius 3.0 m that has an angular velocity of 4.0 radian per second? A. 0.75 m/s B. 10 m/s C. 12 m/s D. 13.0 m/s 10. What is the angular velocity of an object traveling in a circle of radius 0.75m with a linear speed of 3.5 m/s?

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A. 4.3 rad/s B. 4.4 rad/s C. 4.6 rad/s D. 4.7 rad/s 11. A rusty bolt is hard to get turned. What could be done to help get the bolt turned? A. decrease the force C. use a short -arm lever B. use a long-arm lever D. apply the force at a 30-degree angle 12. Which of the following is the easiest way to open a heavy door by applying the force? A. Near the hinges C. in the middle of the door B. At the top of the door D. at the edge of the door far from the hinges 13. What is the angular velocity of a ball that starts at rest and rolls for 5 seconds with a constant angular acceleration of 20 rad/s?? A. 0.25 rad/s B. 4 rad/s C. 100 rad/s D. 200 rad/s 14. When will an object experience a net torque? A. if it is rotating C. if it is in static equilibrium B. if it is translating D. if it is in dynamic equilibrium 15. Does a bridge anchored resting on two pillars have any torque? Yes or No. Why? A. No, because it isn't moving. C. No, because bridges can't have torque. B. Yes, but it is at equilibrium. D. Yes, because it will soon break due to torque

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please answer thank you so much. please help with solution thank you so much.


1-15, it's okay if it letters only, but please provide a solution for those numbers who need solutions

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A Ball Rolls Around a Circular Track With an Angular Velocity of 4 Rad/s.whatistheperiodofthemotion?


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